Investing in New Business Computers and Servers
Posted on 25th May 2021 at 10:09

Now is a great time to be investing in new computers and servers for your Limited Company, due to the new Capital Gains Super Deduction announced in the budget this year.
For expenditure incurred from 1 April 2021 until the end of March 2023, companies can claim 130% capital allowances on qualifying plant and machinery investments, and computer equipment and servers fall into this category.
So, what does that mean for your company?
Although buying new office computers and servers don’t affect your profit and loss, it is classed as a capital asset and as such goes against your taxable profits and reduces your Corporation Tax Bill.
As an example, if you spend £1000 on a new business computer, and decide to claim the super deduction, you can deduct £1300 from taxable profits.

At Keba Computer Services before we recommend any new computer or server, we take the time to get to understand your requirements, so that we can recommend the right PC for you. We also don’t assume that one size fits all for your business, as different roles within your business may have different requirements. As an example, someone that uses a lot of graphics programs may need a larger processor and improved graphics than someone within the accounts department.
We also have access to some of the most competitive prices for business PCs, which we will match your requirements to the most reliable manufacturers of new business PCs.
If you would like to discuss your business computer requirements or would like a free IT health check, please contact us today
Tagged as: Business Computers, Servers
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