If your business uses a piece of industry specific software that isn't Cloud based then it's likely that you will need to invest in a server for your business. 

Benefits of a business server 

When a business has several employees, the likelihood is that documents will need to be accessible to more than one employee. Although you can share your files and folders with your internal network, this can cause issues. Some Windows updates can sometimes change these settings, you also need to ensure that the computer is turned on even if the employee is not in the office. 
Having a business server allows you to have all your documents stored in one place. It can back up all your business computers on a daily basis, ensuring that if you have an issue with one of your PCs you are still able to access your business documents. 
There are two types of servers that you can choose from Cloud Servers and On Site Servers. 

Cloud Servers 

For most businesses, a Cloud Server is the most cost effective and best option, as there are no upfront server hardware costs and with the server being in the cloud your documents and database are accessible from anywhere. 
There are a number of cloud servers available for businesses and we will be able to advise you on the best option that suits your business and IT infrastructure. 
With a cloud server you also have no maintenance costs as you do not own any hardware or software, so all you pay for are the services that you use. 
Cloud servers are very secure platforms for your business data, unfortunately like any system if they are not set up correctly, it can lead to insecurities, which is why we recommend that it is set up by an IT professional. 
Call Keba Computer Services
If you would like more information about Cloud Servers, then call us on 01327 300311 or complete our contact form. We can set up the right services for your business and migrate your data with little or no disruption to your business. 

On Site Servers 

Although cloud servers are now the preferred choice of server, in some instances, they may not have the functionality that your business needs, which is why on site servers are still a preferred option for some businesses. 
An on site server looks like a desktop computer processor, but it has a high-powered processor which means that it runs faster than a desktop computer or laptop. There are also different software options that can be installed, depending on your business requirements. 
Some industries have specific software that cannot be used with cloud servers but needs to be accessed by multiple users. By installing the software on a server this allows more than one employee to access it, which can reduce costs as only one licence is required. It may also be that the software needs to be run on a high-powered processor such as a server. 
Unlike purchasing and setting up a new PC or laptop, deciding on a server for your business and setting it up correctly is more complex. 
Call Keba Computer Services
If you are looking for an on site server for your business, please call us on 01327 300311 or complete our contact form. We will work with you to understand your business needs and recommend the best solution for you. 

Maintaining your On Site Server 

Like any PC, you need to make sure that you maintain your server correctly. A business server holds your business data which is why it is essential to be able to monitor its performance. At Keba Computer Services we can install a Remote Monitoring and Management System (RMM) that advises us of any issues that are detected with your server. 
This means that we can diagnose and resolve issues quickly and, in most instances, advise our customers of a problem before they are aware. 
The benefit of a RMM is it reduces downtime and ensures that all data is backed up to the server. We also offer pay as you go repairs to your server. 
For more information on our Business Server Contract Services please click here 
Keba Computers – we put the IT in Quality.